The people I ever told about my goals and my ambitions might think that I'm delusional, I have a high expectation, my goals are too high, and many more. I admit that I am, but I'm proud of being like that. My name is Belva Tabina Padmarini, from XI SCIENCE 5, and I will tell you my ambitions and goals.

Goals, for me they are limitless, there are no limits in having high dreams and goals, because, for me, everything is possible, if you believe that they could happen. My highest goal right now is to become one of the students at the National University of Singapore, in that University I'll get a bachelor degree. It's kinda high, right? And to get a master's degree, I'll get it at Oxford University. So, what faculty is actually you passionate about? Mine is actually pharmacy because I really want to be able to find lots and lots of cure for a lot of diseases, especially cancer. Why, cancer? There are actually a lot of people who are struggling right now to fight cancer, and still, till now, there is no cure. What hit me the most is that my aunt had a breast tumor and also she is a single parent, so she was very struggling with all things at that time. The celebrities that I really like have leukemia (blood cancer) for four years, so that he had to quit for a few months until he cured, a lot of his fans missed him so much. And my favorite doctor, his mom who was also a doctor who died because of cancer. And at that point, it hit me hard, and I believe and feel like I have to at least try to discover what is actually cure cancer. 

So why exactly you can have these high goals? My mom, she's a mentor, a doctor, a teacher, a chef for me, and the biggest factor why I'm in my position right now. When I was still in kindergarten, I already have piano lessons, English lessons. In elementary school, I have tutoring, piano lessons, dance lessons, singing lessons, and many more. In middle school, I have 9 lessons and tutoring combined, from all of those lessons, I have a lot of competitions I've been in. So, because I've been trained with my mom to have busy schedules, I'm in love with challenges and a tough schedule, and I'm striving to become the best version of myself. 

So, what can I do to make my goals become a real thing? The first thing is to love yourself and accept who you really are, be grateful, know yourself better by discovering it by yourself, I think that those things are one of the most important things. I discovered myself when I'm in quarantine because I spent most of my time alone, and sometimes it's kind of boring, I always find a way to do new things, that way it also helped me to discover my true self and loving myself more by doing things that I love, one of the things is learning new things. How could that actually help? For me, if I feel like I failed or I'm at my lowest, I won't be as disappointed to myself and say to myself that it's part of the process to become the best version of myself because if I haven't got that, I wouldn't able to become the best version of me. Because I have discovered myself, I know what is best for me.

The second thing I do is to believe in your goals and ambitions, why? Because if you don't believe that they will happen, they actually won't happen. If you believe in them, you know that they will happen, you will believe in yourself, the things that actually you have to do is worth it. Also, those beliefs can be the reason why you improve yourself and do things that you have to do, and because you do all those things, bit by bit, your goals actually happen.

There are actually a lot of things that help me, but because it'll be a lot, I will only tell you the last things, and that is to learn from any kind of media, book, internet, or any kinds of events to have a much bigger perspective of things that I interested in. It helped me to like things that could help me achieve my goals, and also make it easier. Because my goals are so hard, and the only person that could help is myself, I have to seek answers from a lot of points of view, so that I know what works better for me.

Those are all the things that I only talked about in this blog, I hope it'll inspire you and helped you to achieve your goals, thank you. 


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