Hello, my new blog reader! So, if your new here and you don't know me yet, my name is Belva Tabina Padmarini, you can call me Belva. From my name, I'm a girl, and besides that, I'm also a high school student, 10th grade. My school is SMAN 3 Bandung, it's in Bandung City, Indonesia.

So I'm one of the younger students, because the average age of the student is 15 years old, and I'm 14 years old because my date of birth is July 10th, 2005. That means my zodiac is cancer. 

So, about me and my family, I'm the youngest child, I have 2 big brothers and my parents. My mother is the 5th child of 6. And my dad is the 10th child of 12, it's crazy right, that means I have so many cousins. But my cousins are very far from me, some of them are in Lampung, Lembang, Jakarta, and Bogor. So, our distance is very far. Even though I still have a connection with them, like sometimes I and my cousin told each other about our day from chat, call, or sometimes face call.

Hmmm... enough about my family, and next to my hobby. My hobby is singing, dancing traditional dances, reading or listening to horror stories, cooking, and cleaning. The cleaning one is weird, but I really enjoy cleaning. On the last holiday, I spent most of the day cleaning all the room, especially mine.

If any of you are curious about what is my favorite food, my favorite food is burger, beef rendang, and french fries. My favorite fruit is watermelon because they are very refreshing. Hmm.. what else? Oh! My favorite outfit styles are "the 90's" and oversized. And the last but not least, my favorite animals are cats and snakes, not just any cats or snakes, the one that I like are a combination of a Scottish fold and a munchkin cat, and a white snakes, these type of snakes are very rare, and I like them because they are really cute.

So, that's it about me! If you wanna know more about me, you can tell me in the comment section below. And, thank you for reading my blog posts, and I will see you soon, bye!

- Belva                                                                                      13.08.19                                                                                                


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